Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Art gives you Wings

Another successful project this year was the “Wings” project. I actually got the inspiration for the lesson from a little girl whom I babysit. She asked to make wings one night, when I was watching her, and I realized ”Hey, this is fun! Why don’t I do this with all the kids?” So I did. Each student had a partner and traced out their wingspan, then colored in the wings. Over the next 2 weeks we painted and collaged them. Finally we cut them out, and I simply used a paper town roll and yarn to create the straps so the children could water them. They were awesome, and the kids loved running around and flapping (I did have to pre-warn them that these wings would not make them be able to fly…) Not only did the kids have fun with this project but I enjoyed it very much to, because seriously—who wouldn’t want a pair of wings

(This is a project that I am hoping to do over in Chennai, India at the RSO School, as well!)

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