It’s been three weeks. I couldn’t be happier; I feel like
this is where I belong right now. Of course I miss everybody in the states, but
I have dreamed of coming back here for so long and everything just feels like it
is in the right place for me at this time in my life.
This week are new group of volunteers are coming and I will
be in charge of which classes they will help out in at the Peery Matriculation
School. I am so excited for this. The kids at RSO take their education very
seriously and having American volunteers greatly improves their English
language skills.
Also, I love my roommates and other long-term volunteers. I didn’t
know what to expect coming here and living with people didn’t know for 3
consecutive months, but they are so awesome and we get along just famously. Singing
high school punk rock, making pancakes, and making up jokes that one would only
understand if the spent a prolonged time in India (India Pinterest, Shankar lost
the car-so now he’s just Shan, and internet is the main ingredient of pancakes…)
I cannot wait to embark on many more Indian adventures and
soon step foot in Australia!